Friday, July 13, 2007

#14: Technorati

Technorati, in my opinion, was a little more user friendly that This videocast I could actually view too, unlike the one. When I tried looking at Technorati doing a keyword search for "Learning 2.0" in blogs, posts and tags, I did get different results. I'm not sure where the Blog Directory search was but my guess is that would be different as well. I explored the top favorited blogs, top searches and top blogs. I was not surprised that the top search was YouTube and not really surprised that the favorite blog was Boing Boing since it is about world cultural curiosities and interesting technologies. I was surprised that Engadget was the top blog with over 30,000 postings making Boing Boing the #2 blog. Evidently, people like to post about gadgets and list cultural curiosites as their personal favorites. The Engadget site to me is for all those geeky techies out there.... no offense intended. I wish I were more "geeky" myself!

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